SI is a system, rather than symptom-oriented approach to bodywork. By systematically addressing the entire body, we can create lasting change for patterns of pain and tension.


Structural Integration

Why work with structure?

As we develop, grow, and go throughout our lives, our bodies develop patterns or strategies for moving through the world. Some of these strategies might be adaptations to pain, stress, injury, prolonged sitting, emotional patterning, or repetitive movement. They serve a purpose at the time of their development, but over time, inefficient and effortful habits may contribute to patterns of chronic pain and tension.

Structural integration works to change the body's relationship to gravity and can illuminate new postural and movement possibilities, bringing the body into a higher level of organization, to move more fluidly, breathe more freely, and sit and stand with less effort and discomfort.

Jessie working on a client

This is a collaborative approach to bodywork. We will work together using myofascial techniques, movement, and somatic education to build a deeper embodied awareness.

Jessie working with a client

What to expect

This work is meant to be experienced as a series. Each session begins with a body reading, an assessment of posture, gait, and other movements. Sessions are conducted over undergarments, loose-fitting shorts, or sports bras. You, the client, are active throughout the session. Each myofascial technique calls for specific movements to facilitate shear and differential movement between the layers of tissues, which facilitates the opening and releasing of fascial adhesions. There will be opportunities to stand, walk, and move in different ways to feel and notice the changes that are taking place.

Jessie working with a client

The 12 Series

The 12 series is unique to Anatomy Trains Structural Integration. In this series, we will systematically work through the myofascial meridians, or fascial lines of the body, as mapped by Tom Myers. Each session builds upon the last, slowly reorganizing whole body structure and balance, and creating space for new awareness and embodied intelligence. The first four sessions work through the superficial lines, followed by four deep "core" sessions, and is then completed with four integration sessions. This series does not focus on specific symptoms or areas of pain, instead the 12 series considers whole body patterns when it comes to pain and tension.

The 3 Series

The 3 series is a wonderful way to introduce yourself to the work of structural integration through the experience of the first three superficial sessions of the twelve series. Alternately, it can be a great way to revisit this work after the completion of the twelve series. In this case, we would approach the body three-dimensionally, by balancing the pelvic girdle, the shoulder girdle, and then the spine. This series does not focus on specific symptoms or areas of pain, instead the series considers whole body patterns when it comes to pain and tension.